Brandon McKee

Brandon McKee is currently an assistant principal for Daniel Boone High School. As an assistant principal, he has the opportunity to help high school students succeed and achieve both their current and future academic and personal goals.

He considers one of his most impactful roles as that of an 8th grade math and science teacher at Jonesborough Middle School.  He was able to support and teach students who experienced learning difficulties in math. During his tenure as an 8th grade teacher, he earned “Teacher of the Year” at Jonesborough Middle School..  Brandon subsequently served as an assistant principal and principal at Jonesborough Middle School until its consolidation into a K-8 school.

Brandon is a graduate of Tusculum University where he earned a B.S. in Education.  He earned his M.Ed and ED.S from Lincoln Memorial University in Administration and Education Leadership respectively.

Brandon is passionate about traveling and spending time with his family and friends. He also enjoys a variety of water activities and hiking.